Virtuoso Club
I'm currently building Virtuoso Club: a web3 chess puzzle platform designed to be open and transparent.

Evan Luza (Cool Cats founder and brand designer) and I teamed up to build Blockalizer, a generative art project that issues NFT based on your onchain history.

Work History
I was responsible for building onramp integrations. I worked on Braintree (Paypal) integration as well as Apple Pay and Google Pay. Hooking up to 3rd party APIs is easy, but doing them at scale is challenging. Tiniest of bugs can result in millions of dollars of lost revenue and brand deterioration. During my time, I also pitched an idea to the executive leadership team to build a competitor product to Moonpay - later called Coinbase Pay.
Amazon & Microsoft
I started my career at Microsoft and later transitioned to Amazon. Both giant organizations with lots of hierarchy and process. Despite all the criticism corporations get, they teach you how to be concise with communication and how to coordinate within a team effectively. I got familiar with best practices in software development; ranging from naming variables all the way to deploying code reliably.
Writings & Research
A complete guide on account abstraction
For the longest time, crypto had limited use-cases. Big part of this was simply UX constraints - long wait times, wallet awkwardness, poor onboarding. We have come a long way since. In this article, I explore how wallets will continue to transform in the coming years and how they'll evolve.
Game Theory and Consumer Crypto
Crypto has disrupted money and financial markets, but I believe that we will soon see its use-cases expand to the mainstream Internet products - which will benefit from better economic models. In this article, I expand on how products broadly on the Internet can benefit from adopting web3 primitives.